Exportize Functional Ingredients was born in 2013 after detecting a new global way of relating between companies and finding a market need to adapt to it. In Internet age and with the new generation of young, highly trained and digitized entrepreneurs, a fast and dynamic way of importing and exporting was born in a profitable way without large structures.
For 20 years we have worked in the export department of important companies in the aromas and fragrances sector with different management responsibilities and with real projects to open new markets.
Currently, Exportize customers are important companies in the food sector with whom we work in different ways, adapting to their needs and achieving very good results in the projects commissioned.
We have partners and collaborators in different parts of the planet who participate in our international missions and make them successful in different countries such as Mexico, Peru, Russia, China, European Community, Thailand, Turkey, the Philippines and a long etcetera. That is the fruit of caring for business relationships after more than 20 years of working trips around the world, always respecting and learning from all cultures.
Exportize is the result of understanding that the globalized world is a great business opportunity for companies as long as their particularities are respected, which is what makes us passionate about our work. We will be happy to offer our services, in order that your company grows profitably through internationalization.